Tuesday 19 March 2013

Street Style : Oxford Circus

A mate and I decided hit Oxford Circus for some fashion inspiration. It also gave me some confidence to wear what I want and not let others bring me down. Check out the following fashionistas!
(P.S I'm not sexist, in future posts I'll try to include more men xxx)

This gal has awesome taste check out her website :

Her name is Olivia and she looks awesome. 


  1. Love this post! The girl at the end in the blue skirt is my fav!
    I saw your post on the Company Magazine forum.
    Would love to follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know with a comment and I always follow back.
    Love from London.
    Love G xx


  2. This is so awesome! So many stylish outfits.



Thanks for commenting!! ;)
Include the link to your blog and I'll check it ASAP!! xxx